Just finished this piece this morning for Kevin. These are two of his favorite characters and he wanted to see them together. This was done in ink on an 11" x 17" sheet of Strathmore Bristol Board. Thanks again to Kevin for this commission! And there is a really good chance we will have another one for Kevin tomorrow evening. :)
This is Post #873
Great commission and an interesting pairing. Plus a Pittsburgh hero to boot....I like it! Great job Gene and Congrats Kevin!
Thanks Brian! I forgot the whole New Universe line revolved around Pittsburgh. Wasn't that Jim Shooter's hometown?
Yep, big Jim is from da burg
Didn't the Star Brand blow up Pittsburgh at some point in the series? Think of how many losing seasons the Pirates would have avoided if that happened :-(.
Gene, a great pairing of two unlikely characters. Star Brands face reminded me a bit of Buscema's Conan (which I have been reading) but in your style. Great job!
Great commission here. Makes me think of other pairings I would like to see. Great job Gene!
Gary - I didn't read the New Universe titles but I remember Pittsburgh becoming The Pit(t). Poor Pirates.
You are not the first person to see Buscema-like qualities in my work. I find it interesting. I have never followed his work and while I can appreciate the raw power of his line art, I have never been a fan. I wonder what that means?
Little John - Thanks. This pairing wasn't too far apart. They were both Marvel characters. Probably the Nightwing/Ice Man paring was the farthest apart both in companies and types of characters. I did that one years ago. It's still a pretty cool piece. :)
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