Today was filled with work I can't show. And while I did some sketching in my sketchbook, that was done for a commissions and I can' show those either. So it's another panel from the FCBD book I worked on. :)
We went to see the midnight show of Alice in Wonderland in IMAX 3D. While not a great story, it was still quite good. The visuals were incredible and the casting was outstanding. It's movie I wouldn't mind seeing again in the same format. So that is a pretty good recommendation. :)
Have a good weekend everyone!
This is Post # 869
Glad you made time to go see the movie, sounds like you enjoyed it!
Thanks for sharing the panel from FCBD!
I'm glad that you enjoyed the movie. I'm going to wait until the hyper dies down to go see it. :)
Like Comix Book Girl, I will wait a week or so before going to see Alice. I am getting excited about Free Comic Book Day though. Can't wait for that. Are you going to be appearing anywhere that day as a guest Gene?
Gary - Thanks!
Lisa - I was surprised it wasn't crazy. The Harry Potter movies are crowded and nuts, this one not so much. The theater was filled but there were no lines.
Royce- No appearances planned. Except in my studio, working. :)
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