I kind of got on a roll this evening with this piece and didn't stop. Here she is all finished with Gidget the English Bulldog by her side. This will be part of the April package from me through CILM. I had really wanted to do a Saint Patrick's Day piece for today's post, but the work side won out. Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all anyway!
This is Post #881
I really like what you did with the skin tone of Hula Girl. How did you do it? The Bulldog has a good view.
Hey, where is Royce the crab :-).
I'd be happy to see a St. Patricks Day piece, even if a day or two late!
You know when you posted the progress piece a couple days back I thought something was missing...GIDGET! Good to see she made the cut ;) HAPPY ST PAT'S TO ALL!
Beautiful! Love the addition of Gidget.
Gary, if I remember, the crab is the one taking the picture! lol
Nice work on this one Gene. Gary is right, the skin tone is extra well done!
Gary - Thanks. Skin tone was done with more experimentation in Photoshop. Also, I chatted with Brian Stelfreeze while he was painting a Wonder Woman piece at MegaCon. He said a few key things that made me see color from a different perspective.
Royce the crab is taking the picture.
Brian - Thanks! Gidget was happy to make the cut too.
Little John - Thanks!
Royce - Right you are sir! Thanks!
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