Today I finished
The Project That Shall Not Be Named (there may be some revisions though) and immediately I jumped into some other projects. One minor one is I am in the process of doing three new images for CILM and I wanted a theme. After sketching this girl in my sketchbook I decided to give her a bit of color. When it came time to name the file, I had my theme. This is the rough image for Magenta. I don't know if I will do her completely digital or traditional. The next two will be Cyan and Yellow. Since I will be doing a color theme, I will need to change the color of her shirt, but this is a good jumping off point for the pin-up.
Tomorrow, more commercial work, this weekend I will be doing some commissions.
This is Post #824
Good start to the "color series".
Is there a reason that you are doing three? Thought you usually do 5 or 6 for the CILM series.
Thanks Gary. You're right, CILM used to want 6 pieces. They have dropped it down to 3 but they would like to see new ones every month. 6 pin-ups a month can be a bit much and they knew that. But they would like to see fresh material on a regular basis so 3 works. Would you believe when I first joined them I would be providing 12 pin-ups each time? Whew!
Thanks for stopping by!
Well, CMYK would be four....
just sayin'
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