According to the SUPER DC CALENDER 1976 today is Kent Nelson, aka, Dr. Fate's birthday. So here is my tribute done in Copic Multi Liners and markers on a Strathmore Sketch Card.
Today has already been very productive: Finished and uploaded a job for DC, three concepts for the Jennifer Mays Canson Cutie sketched, scanned and emailed to Matt, scanned two commissions and packed them up to be shipped to Hungary today, and completed the sketch card for this here post. I will take a break shortly to go to a meet up of the Inkslingers. This is a group of comic book and comic strip artists who live in the Tampa Bay region. They meet up once a month and I was invited for the first time last month. But between my work and the meet up being three days before Christmas, I completely forgot. This time, I set iCal to send me email alarms 4 hours before and 1 hour before the meeting. I will not miss it. This should be fun. I will report on the meet up tomorrow.
When I get back this afternoon, I will have to chain myself to the drawing table. I have 14 illustrations that I need to complete by Monday afternoon. :)
This is Post #820
Happy B-Day Doc! Have some fun today Gene sounds like you can use it with all the work yet to be done....Perhaps the good Doctor can throw a little magic your way!
Have a great weekend...
It's always cool to see your take on Doctor Fate, Gene!
Have a great birthday -- and good luck with that workload!
Brian - Thanks! I had a great time. It's the first time I have met comic artist Jim Fern so that was cool. As well as meeting all the other really nice folks that were there. Had to leave early to get back to work though.
Thanks Jon. Though it's Fate's B-Day, not mine. Yet. :)
I am a bit confused, thought Gene's birthday is on January 23 or thereabouts? Hey, we know it is coming!
Again, these sketch cards would make a great series for DC. I do like the Dr. Fate.
Glad you had a great time at Inkslingers. Help educate me, what work has Jim Fern done?
Is this the first time your work has gone to Hungary that you know of?
Gary - Today is Dr. Fate's birthday, not mine. Mine is on the 23rd as you mentioned.
Jim Fern has been in comics for a long time. Working for DC, Marvel, CrossGen etc. Here is his site: http://jimfern.daportfolio.com/
I have sent a few things to Hungary. Pretty much all over the world. I guess that makes me a internationally beloved artist. ;)
Always enjoy seeing a new Dr. Fate sketch. This one is very nice Gene. Love that you put the tower in the background.
Sigh -- Read/post in haste, regret at leisure.
Happy B-Day to the good Doctor, and happy *early* birthday to you, Gene ;)
How many characters' birthdays does that 1976 calendar have listed anyway?
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