Or Mary Jane Parker to some. Anyway, here is post number two for today. I had wanted to do a companion piece of sorts to the Gwen Stacy I did a short time ago and here it is. As innocent as the other piece was, this one is more sexual. For better or for worse, it's how I see the two characters. Not that I am a Spider-Man reader. Just an observer, really. :)
Mary Jane is on eBay tonight, for anyone interested. Here is the link: Mary Jane.
I hope everyone has had a good weekend!
I agree with ya, Gene.
Very nice!
Thanks Craig. And thanks for coming back for the second post. :)
Jackpot! MJ never looked better! :)
Hey, wait a minute! Wasn't the Gwen piece done in that plain old white paper? Think you need to do a Canson version so that Gwen can keep up with MJ!
Yes, I think this Canson paper is setting a new standard!
Also, I appreciate the intricate detail on the signature!
Thanks Brian!
Gwen was done on a light colored Canson paper. Thanks Gary!
Light colored Canson paper for Gwen? Of course, consistent with her innocent nature!
Ahhh, now THAT is more like it!! Kirsten Dunst almost ruined MJ for me, but this helps a lot Gene...a WHOLE lot!!
Blonde? What was I thinking? Must have been feverish!!
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