We are sticking with the Legion of Super-Heroes theme. Today we have the villainess Emerald Empress of the Fatal Five with the Emerald Eye of Ekron. The Empress and the Fatal Five were created by Jim Shooter and Curt Swan. This image was done in ink on 11" x 17" Strathmore Bristol Board.

A few of other things I need to mention today. All having to do with original art and availability.
Tom Fleming, my good friend and owner of Fanfare Sports & Entertainment, Inc, is hosting my pin-up art and sequential art. Tom has had my sequential art on his site for years but has since offered to help me with my pin-up art. I haven't had the time to put together a shop on-line and this is a big help. If not for him all the art I am doing would sit in draws until a convention. So if you are interested in something from me, please check out Tom's site. He is also the representative for a lot of other artists so you might want to check out all he has on the site. Thanks for your help Tom! First round of Mojitos are on me when the Flemings come down for vacation!
I got an email from someone interested in a piece I posted here. Unfortunately that piece was a commission but it did make me think that I have never addressed the availability of the art I post here. So, if you see something on this blog that you are interested in, send me an email. I do try to say whether it is a commission or commercial piece so if there is any question just contact me. Because I do this blog 7 days a week, there is a lot of pieces in the files looking for a home. :)
I have finished inking the pages of Cavewoman that creator Budd Root had entrusted to me. I think they came out pretty slick. I will let you know when they can be shared and when the book comes out. Thanks Budd, that was fun. Let's do it again sometime!
And lastly, I had thought to do a Conventionless Convention Sketch deal again, but I think I will just say that the commission list is open. :)
This is Post #710