Two auctions are up right now. Lana Lang, Insect Queen ends tonight and Medusa still has a couple of days to go. You can see them here.
This morning I got a email from someone in France, who asked if they could bid on Medusa. I said "yes" of course. I still get a kick out of my original artwork going out around the world. Thanks to the internet, my work has the potential to reach anywhere there is a connection. When I started working as a commercial artist, there wasn't an internet as it exists today. To promote your work you would have to mail out samples, postcards, tearsheets, and/or buy an expensive page in a art book that went out to art directors. In there you would be one page of a few hundred at best. And you might be restricted to North America.
Fast forward a few short years and my portfolio is viewable by anyone with an internet connection. I use my iPhone to show client my work either from the web or in a gallery I have on it. We get new technology every day and I think we get use to it just as quickly. But stepping back every so often, I am amazed at what we have now, compared to 5, 10, or 15 years ago. My first mobile phone was in the early 90s. It was hardwired in my truck. I think I paid about 25.00/month for 10 minutes of airtime per month. And you didn't want to see the cost of going over those minutes. A big clunky handset in the truck with a coil cord to the base. Sounds ridiculous, but it was only 15 years ago. BTW, where is my flying car?
I know what you mean, Gene. In my short lifespan, I witnessed color TV, now digital HD. Working on a personal computer. Cell phones. Movies on little round silver discs... and you're right! Still no #@%*& flying car!!! ;-)
Gorgeous Catwoman, BTW. Can anyone tell me how I know Gene did the Golden Age version..?
That's sort of a Balent-ized Catwoman, not that I'm complaining!
I remember "laptops" that were the size of oscilloscopes in college.
Meeee-ow! Great Catwoman Gene! The purple paper also has the effect of creating a night scene as well. Love this version of Selina's outfit too.
One of my Favs! Thanks again :)
I know of a visitor to this blog that will like this one!! Right Anthony? :)
Congrats Brian, I too was thinking of the night-time darkened room effect of the dark paper! Great minds....
We are definitly living in the Star Trek Generation...wireless communicators, powerful computers, space travel (sort of), replicators, microwaves, lasers, medical advances...wow the list goes on! The only thing we need, other than the flying car, is a Legion Flight Ring or at least a transporter!
Once you French friend sees Catwoman, it will end up in France! Who knows, there may be a piece of Gonzales artwork in the Louve or Musee d'Orsay one day!
Although I see this as a "Gene" Catwoman, I was pleasantly thinking there is a bit of Jim Balent with this art!
No catty comment from me...but speaking of technology changes, see what Louis CK has to say
Royce is right, I'm ga-ga over Gene's Catwoman! Brian - congrats on another great commission!
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