This one was commissioned by Tim. I'm glad I took the time to do the Polaris piece on green paper as a test run because it took any guess work out of doing this one. With everything I am throwing on these pieces, I should just call it "mixed medium". This one has ink, color pencil, white acrylic paint, and Prismacolor marker 60% Cool Grey. Gets a bit wordy. But the paper is still the same 11" x 17" Canson Mi-Teintes Paper. Thanks Tim for the commissions!
I doubt anyone will be able to guess the character I am doing for tomorrow. :)
Yeah I would say mixed media...and awesome! An Asgard beauty :)
I have a guess about the next one but probably wrong. So how about a hint, what color paper?
Great work as usual, Gene!
If you're going to be using the same green paper, I'm guessing either She-Hulk or the Emerald Empress.
Brian, LUD!, thanks!
The paper will be yellow! With that, I'm sure someone will get it. :)
Wow, this is a goodie!
I would like to take a guess at tomorrow's subject. It always seems as if you can;t go too long without a Supergirl or mmaybe a Black Canary but you seem to be on a roll with obscure (less used, I mean) characters from the Marvel Universe so maybe MoonDragon? or Maybe Medusa? I also briefly thought of Ms. Marvel. Arrggghh now I have myself confused.
MoonDragon, I will go with that!jught
Hmmmmm no idea but I'm gonna guess Cheetah. You did a great version of her a while back and the yellow brought her to mind. Although with the Watchmen movie out a Silk Spectre would be cool too.
Hmmm, let see, yellow, maybe the return of the Lemmings?
Great Enchantress! I remember the prelim sketch from a few weeks back.
Thanks guy! I hope my little mystery didn't "bug" you. :)
And no, Gary, it wasn't lemmings. :)
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