It's no secret I am a fan of the Legion of Super-Heroes. And Brin Londo, Timber Wolf, is one of my favorites. So when a request for a couple of Legionnaires made the list, I was happy. Today consisted of almost 12 hours of illustration work (deadline looming). When I put that away for the day, I drew this. Thanks Roland, for the commission and for a chance to visit an old friend.
This was done in ink on 11" x 17" Canson Bristol Board.
You know, DC should really, really, consider have you do a few issue of the good old Legion.....
Well done!
I agree with Gary. You clearly have a passion for the characters. Long live the Legion!
Great work...I'd love to see your Element Lad! Do you sell originals?
Glad I gave you a fun subject to take a break with, Gene! He looks fantastic and I can't wait to get my hands on the original!
Timber Wolf never looked better. I too love the Legion and just ordered the Showcase Volumes #1 and #2 so that I can have a little reunion with the gang! DC could do a lot worse than return the group to the hands of real fan, even if just for some "Untold Stories" mini-series. I woud prefer that to the convoluted continuity that requires the reader to have three reference books handy to keep the stories straight.
Gary - I couldn't agree more. Thanks!
Brian - This is just a case of great minds thinking alike. So far you, Gary and myself are in agreement. :) Thanks!
Cayomagnetking - Thanks! Yes I do sell originals. The sketches I am posting are commissions and the originals go to the buyer. Thanks for dropping in!
Roland - Thank you! When Shrinking Violet is done I will send you the image and then the originals. Thanks again!
Royce - Thanks! Another vote for me on the Legion. We need to get you guys jobs as editors at DC, pronto! I love the Showcase books. I think I like them better than the Archives. I really like seeing the black and white line art. I developed a respect for artists who's work never did anything for me before just because I now see the line art. Enjoy the books!
Timber Wolf was a favorite Legionnaire for me also. Great work!
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