A little holiday themed piece of art for today. I did this today for one of Dakota's classmates. He needed a drawing of Scrooge for a class project and asked for my help. This was done with ink and Copic Markers on a sheet of Canson Drawing paper. Bah-humbug! ;)
This is Post #784
Hey Gene, I need a nice Supergirl drawing for a class I teach...can you help me out? :)
Nice Scrooge. Wait... NICE" Scrooge? Hardly.
Kind of you to accomodate Dakota's classmate. The Copic marker execution makes a mean looking Scrooge!
Uh Royce, you wouldn't be trying to take advantage of me would you? :)
Thanks Gary!
Hey Gene, I need... oh, uh, I see Royce beat me to the punch. Cool drawing of Scrooge. Just think, had you not been a nice guy to help out your daughter's friend, we'd have missed out!
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