More Copic Marker fun today. I did this in between the batch of Iron Man 2 sketch cards I was working on today. I'm using the Copic Markers on those as well. I am enjoying the process of learning but I do find that working small is best with these markers. For example this image is 3 inches wide and 5.5 inches tall and is on the same sheet of paper that yesterdays post was drawn. The markers are rather expensive and they don't cover large areas very well. Or rather I haven't discovered how to cover large areas yet. For me it is like trying to paint a large area with a small inking brush when I should be using a 1" wide brush. More to learn I suppose.
This is Post #786
Another winner. Are these real people or are you making them up? If the latter, they seem so life like. If the former, you don't have to worry that any of 'em are zombies!
Craig - These are based on real people. Over the years people have sent me refs for various commissions. I save some that I like and will use them for things like this.
Craig stole my question! I was thinking the same thing about how lifelike and unique these portraits have been. I am enjoying this mini-series as you stretch your artistic wings with these copic markers.
Thanks Royce. My main purpose of doing these is to practice with the color. I have a limited amount of time right now and coming up with faces takes a bit more time than working from a photo. And since it is not a famous person, I don't have to worry about getting the likeness down and then color. Plus, the comments would be about whether or not it looks like the person. I just want to get to the color part. :)
The coloring is outstanding! I wish you the best of success translating to a larger size paper if that is your ultimate goal!
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