Thursday, September 23, 2010

Justice Legion of Aliens - Pencils

Today I worked on the next stage of the Justice Legion of Aliens cover recreation. If you haven't seen the first roughs, check them out here.

The photo above is a shot of the left side of my drawing table. It has a built in opening where I have mounted my old light box underneath. It's a nice set up. I got the table at IKEA a couple of years ago. I used the light table to transfer the enlarged print out of my roughs to the final bristol board. I use a 2H pencil lead and draw very light.

As you can tell I didn't copy everything line for line. I want to be able to add to the final pencils. Keep some energy to them. The tightened pencils are pictured below. Even from this point I will be adding more to the art as I ink. If someone else were inking it, I would spend more time tightening it up so the inker would understand what line is what.

The Legion of Super-Heroes © DC Comics

 I will run this by Aidan for any feedback he may have. Since this is so close to the roughs I don't expect anything major. :)

This is Post #1084

1 comment:

Gary M. Peiffer said...

Did not know IKEA had a table that would accomodate a light box.

It is Aidan's call, but I would approve the piece!
