I felt like drawing a cute version of Supergirl, as opposed to overly sexy. So with a Faber-Castell PITT artist brush that was on it's last legs, I sketched out the above. It was fun just going for it, doing my constructing lines with this dried up brush pen on a piece of tabloid sized copy paper. Streaky was an afterthought and I ended up penciling him in a few times until I got the pose and placement right.

I light tabled the line art to a sheet of 12" x 18" Strathmore 400 series 140# watercolor paper with a "F" lead pencil. The lines are really light and though I tried all the scanning tricks I know, I couldn't get a better image than the above. Still you can see what I will be doing with it someday soon.
I assume you're going to watercolor this. I can't wait to see it!
Yep, watercolors it will be. Thanks.
Excellent change of pace from your other most recent Supergirl. This one captures the innocence of the Supergirl I remember from my youth.
Nice piece! I wonder if all the talk of your streak on the blog and the High school streaker Royce mentioned a couple days ago made you think of her super kitty! If so your Aces in my book :)
Wow, this one looks great.
One question, there REALLY was a "Streaky the cat"?????
Yep, Streaky was the Supergirl mythos' answer to Krypto. Don't even ask about her Super Horse/Centaur/Boyfriend Comet!
Yes Gary, there is a Streaky the Super-Cat. Royce mentioned Comet, but there was also Beppo the Super-Monkey too. Streaky wasn't from Krypton though. He was just a cat who played with a altered form of Kryptonite and gained powers from it. They would only last the length of the adventure though. This was back with radiation was our friend. :)
Hey Brian, I didn't make that connection. Wow, you guys are starting to invade my subconscious: First all the Gotham art and now Streaky. Stop the madness!!! ;)
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