Today is the 13th birthday of Dakota Jean Gonzales. Deena and I could not be more proud of our daughter Dakota. Not only is she a stellar student, a terrific musician (viola and guitar), an outstanding artist, and a html & css whiz, but she is also any incredibly wonderful person. Must take after her mother. :) Happy Birthday Kota!
Happy Birthday Dakota!
Welcome to this side of childhood Dakota!! Congrats on your entrance into teendom.
Happy Birthday to Dakota! Wow 13 years old. Seems like yesterday that my daughter was 13. She is now 17, going off to college next year, and reminds me that I am an old comic nerd. So hang on, the years are going to fly by fast and may be full of feedback from a teenager point of view!
I passed the Birthday wishes on to Dakota and she said "Thanks!". :)
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