The Fantastic Four's Sue Storm drops in for a visit. This is a just-for-fun piece, which also makes it a up-on-eBay-right-now piece. :) This is ink on 11" x 17" Canson Bristol Board. The lines were done with Micron Pens and the black were filled using a brush. The gray background was done with watercolor. I did this so she wouldn't disappear into the white of the background. :) For anyone interested here is the
eBay link.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
WOW....this one stopped me dead in my tracks! I'm fighting the urge to say she's "Fantastic" but she is just that. Great use of those micron pens and that Reed is a lucky guy!
I agree with Brian. She is fant-abulously bee-you-tea-full!
Dr. Doom would like to learn your secret of insuring Sue doesn't "disappear" into the background.
Just once, I would like to see someone offer a blank sheet of Bristol on eBay, and advertise it as a drawing of the Invisible Woman.
Gene does some of his best work when it is "just for fun". And it shows both creatively and in his techical approach to this piece!
Thanks Brian!
Thanks Royce, it's a good thing that I use my knowledge for the side of good and not evil. :)
How about this as a variation of that idea, but still gives the buyer something: A shot of the Fantastic Four in action, but naturally you can't see Sue.
Thanks Gary. :)
Regarding using your powers for good instead of evil...
You are correct Sir!
Showing us this picture of Sue is GOOD indeed!
THAT is really nice!
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