If the image below looks slightly
familiar, it's because it is. Andrew had already scooped up the
Atom Eve piece I did for fun when I did the rough Invincible sketch. He asked for it but I told him it was just a little 5 inch blue pencil sketch in my sketchbook. I offered to size it up, ink it and make it a companion piece for Atom Eve. That worked for him and now Eve is not alone. Thanks again Andrew, both pieces will be at my table at HeroesCon waiting to go home with you. :)

And now for something different. My wife Deena had always wanted an English Bulldog. And almost two years ago we got one. She is named Gidget, and she is one of the silliest dogs I have ever lived with. She's pushy, she's lovable, she's a big baby, and she loves her mommy. Deena will call me on my cell to let me know she is on her way home from work. Gidget knows the time of day and recognizes the ringtone for Deena's calls. When the phone rings, no matter where she is in the house, Gidget hears it and jumps up in her chair at the living room window watching for her mommy. As I type this, Gidget has decided to sleep under my desk. Given her size, she takes up most of the space. And her snoring is so loud, it's a wonder I can hear myself think. Yesterday, I did this little cartoon of Gidget in Adobe Illustrator, starting from a little pencil sketch.
That Gidget seems like a smart dog. Are you sure she is not helping you with the artwork? Your productivity and output is amazing, now we know the answer!
The Invincible art could certainly be a cover!
The Invincible art is fanatastic, a great companion piece to Atom Eve!
Gidget sounds a lot like the pug I had, so much fun!
Gary - Gidget is the actual artist, but she know she wouldn't be accepted. So I am the public face of her work. :) Thanks!
Shane - Thanks! In addition to Gidget the Bulldog, we have a Pug named Coco. Coco is a couple of years older, and was bigger than Gidget when we brought her home. Now Coco is 15 pounds and Gidget is 45 pounds. Pugs are great dogs too. Full of personality and love.
Shane - BTW, Silver Sable says "Hi!" She is on my drawing board right now. :)
Very dynamic Invincible piece. Well done.
I don't know which I like more, your story about Gidget or the drawing of her.
I have a Bichon named Bruiser. Sorry, but I can't draw him.
Thanks Craig! Just love the story and the art equally and everything will be fine. :) You have a Bichon named Bruiser? Ha, ha, ha, that is great! We had a Bichon when Dakota was little that we named Wyleen. It was named after a character from the short lived TV show Boston Commons. And it had been Dakota's nickname until we got the dog. Bichons are great!
I keep telling the wife I'm gonna bring a Bulldog home....
I should have guessed Andy picked up the Atom Eve from you! That will be cool to see when we all get to the con.
Your doggies sound sweet. We've got a Lab/Boxer mix named Ace. I truly didn't know Batman's dog was named Ace until after I named him. I swear!!!
What a fun bunch of porting this has been! Pugs! Dogs! Invincible! Atom Eve! and Boston Common! I used to love that show!
Can't wait to see Silver Sable posted up here!
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