The Early Sketch List has been very popular, thanks to everyone! Just a quick reminder though, if you asked to be put on the list but haven't told me what you want, please let me know as soon as possible. I don't need to know what character (though that is good to), just what you want as far as the medium: inked sketch, a Canson piece, or a painting. This helps me plan the time so I can take on more or so I don't take on too much.
That's actually a really lovely drawing Gene. A really nice bonce to the line too.
Thanks Darren. BTW, I had no idea you were RK. :)
The early Sketch List sketch is quite appealing!
Thanks Gary. It was a quick one. Sometimes it only takes a minute, other times, days! :)
"Thanks Darren. BTW, I had no idea you were RK. :)"
Yeah, I get that a lot;-) Don't hold it against me bud!
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