I got home this morning at 5am, after a 10 hour drive, which was after a full day at the convention. To say I am tired is putting it mildly. I managed to get into bed by 6am, but at 8:30, my dentist called to confirm my cleaning appointment for tomorrow. Well, that ruined any chance of sleeping now. After some chores and lunch with Deena, I collapsed again on the bed for a couple of hours. But I am still tired. Whew!

Above is another sketch done at HeroesCon last weekend. This was done for Kevin in his sketchbook. I will have more sketches to share starting tomorrow. Will Allred, writer of DIARY OF NIGHT, had brought his scanner and was a scanning madman. He will be sending me more images when he makes it back home.

And speaking of home, here was mine this last weekend. It was a great weekend, as HeroesCon always is every year. The staff, the guests and the attendees make the show a real pleasure. I'm already looking forward to 2010!
That Gene Gonzales banner is really eye catching!
Thaks for sharing Dawn Star (?) (I am a Marvel guy, so may not have the character name right).
Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight!
I know you were on a deadline to get home Gene, but you should really consider staying the Sunday night or at least grab a cheap hotel on the way home. Glad that you made it back home safely. I really enjoyed seeing you at the con and getting to catch up a bit with you in person. We really missed you last year and are so very glad that you were able to make it this year! Thanks for the sketches, the ones pre-done as well as the one uyou did for me at the con. This Metropolis tour that I am on is really becoming a pleasure cruise!
Thanks Gary! I am probably going to get another banner before Mini-Mega Con in August. Glad you like the Dawnstar. That was in a very small sketchbook, something I find difficult to work in at times. Got some good sleep last night, thanks!
Royce - I wish we could have stayed another night to get some rest but both Joe and I had commitments on Monday. But all's well and all that. It was really great chatting with you all weekend. I wish we all had had a chance to hang more after the show. Thanks for the commissions and I am enjoying this trip through Metropolis as well. Thank Eric for me as well please!
Royce - I forgot, tell Budd Root I am ready to talk Cavewoman when he is. I enjoyed chatting with him at the show. Glad he got to come over and take a picture. Can you email me one sometime? Thanks!
I will definitely remind Budd about contacting you and as soon as I can get a hold of Eric's camera, a "copy" of the picture will be speeding your way! Con weekends are sometimes hectic. We need to do a group dinner next time!
Thanks again.
Thanks Royce. That would be great!
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