I was recommended for a job by my good friend Tom Fleming. A marketing agency in Los Angeles was looking for someone to create comic art for their revamped website. They wanted a Roy Lichtensein kind of look, which was based on the comics of the 1950s and 1960s. Since their site went live yesterday, I figure I could shate the final art I did for them.
I provided roughs for each item and as they were approved, I then inked them. The client and I agreed that we didn't think they should look too slick, something that can happen creating the artwork digitally. And they needed native Adobe Illustrator(AI) files for their website developer. So after inking, I scanned the art and brought it into AI and used the Live Trace function from the Object drop down menu. Live Trace took pixel based art and turned it into vector art. Live Trace is not perfect, but the simpler the artwork, the better the results. Since all of this art was pretty clean and simple line work, there was very, very little tweaking. I then colored the art in AI and used a halftone effect to get that old comic printing look. Not pictured here are the word balloons and sound effect words I created for them.
It was great to work with this client. They had a clear direction of the look and was open to what I would create for them. And they were pleased with the final art. Always a good thing. :)
Here is a link for their site. If you click on the ABOUT page and then click PEOPLE, you will see how I turned some of folks there into comic characters. Also, make sure you stay on a page long enough to see some of the floating objects in space. Click on those too. :)
Nice! I don't exactly understand the pixel to vector idea though. I like the way Einstein's head has the little rockets going off to direct it's course. Very cute and creative website. I wish I had something for them to market!! ;)
My browser displays their website front page in such a way that I can't find any links to the "sub-pages." Weird, but the floating objects are very cool!
Thanks Karen. I will fill you in on the difference between pixel (Photoshop) and vector (Illustrator) at HeroesCon. I'm too lazy to type it. :)
Royce, someone else told me the same thing when the site was still in development. Turns out to be a setting in the browser. I think you right click on the page to get the menu and changing something in the prefs that allow a full page view. If I had to guess you are using IE (I use Safari and Firefox) and only seeing the box with the rocket. If I find the settings I will let you know.
Royce, just had Dakota check on Firefox (on her Dell) and she had the same issue. But here is the fix: Right click on the page. In the menu select Show All. That should do it. :)
I saw Einstein float by too!
Gene, it is great when both the artist and the client are happy with the outcome of a business interaction. Hopefully, there will be more of these types of relationships in the future!
Gary, did you click on Einstein? I agree, its nice to have a situation where there is a clear goal. Most of the time that makes a job easier for everyone. I was told I would be hearing from them again real soon. :)
Thanks for the technical help Gene! Really cool work!
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