I'm doing this Huntress pin-up for Erica to be picked up at HeroesCon later this week. I thought I would show some steps of the progress. At the top is the rough I did on a piece of copy paper. That rough is 4" wide x 6" tall. The exact size that my opaque projector uses. Once I transfered the rough in pencil to an 11" x 17" sheet of Canson Mi-Teintes paper, I then inked it. Next step will be adding the color to the piece.
If the inked image looks uneven in contrast, it's because I just took a digital photo of it. I will scan the final when it is done.
Can't wait to see the finished color piece! She looks awesome and ready to kick some tail! Glad you're making another detour into Gotham....
Love the color of the Canson paper you chose! Fits the mood of the character!
I agree, the purple is perfect for Huntress! Like the pose and the subtle changes you made to the original "sketch."
How convenient that your rough was the perfect size for your projector! What are the odds!!
Thanks Brian. Finishing her up this morning.
Thanks Gary. Choosing the color is part of the scheme. Some work better than others though.
Royce, I know, I know! What are the odds??? Thanks!
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