Hey look, it's another post! Two in one day! :)

I am finally working on some pin-ups for my next batch for CILM. Hopefully they haven't forgotten me. I usually have a theme for the batch of six, but I think this time I will just do whatever I feel like when I feel it. So today we start with a bathing beauty done in watercolors on 11" x 15" 140lb Strathmore Watercolor paper. Even though what I paint and draw would be more in line with what Playboy shows and tame by internet comparisons, I have still added some digital bubbles to cover certain areas. I'm sure you can guess where. Don't want to corrupt anyone. :)
I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday. And depending where you are on this planet, the first day of Summer begins today or tomorrow, so enjoy!
That is really cool. what is CILM?
Thanks. CILM = http://www.cilm.com/sigtag/sigtaghome.shtml
Corrupt away, corrupt away please ;) Beautiful work Gene I may sit here awhile hoping for a bubble or two to pop!
oh wow! that is really awesome.
I promise you won't corrupt me if you send me a "non bubble censor piece"!
I really like what you did with the flesh tone and the darker colors to give the impression of form and depth. Really a nice study on how this should be done!
Brian - I don't know man, you seem highly impressionable. Probably better keep the bubbles in place. :)
Lan - You must have checked out the CILM website. Pretty great stuff there.
Gary - Thanks Gary. Glad you enjoyed it and picked up on what I was doing. Check your email.
Hey Gene,
How can a girl taking a shower be anything but a "clean" drawing?
You have GOT to send this redhead my way! :)
By the way...
I keep looking for a Morse Code message in the tiles behind here and I think I see one.
It says....buy me Royce!
Only thing is, is she talking
"TO" me or "ABOUT" me? :D
She wants you Royce! :)
BTW, am I messed up on the calendar or what? I have been so out of touch with the days since I got back from HeroesCon. I kept thinking this weekend was the first day of Summer when last weekend was. Need more rest.
So sweeeeeet ! I love this one ! ^^
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