This fairy started out as a pencil sketch in my sketchbook yesterday. I scanned the pencils in so I could enlarge it, print it, and light table it on to another board for inking and/or painting. But once the sketch was digitized, I decided to do the entire piece in Adobe Illustrator CS3. I really had no idea where I was going except for drawing and coloring the fairy. Once she was done I tried to come up with a background color and from that grew the whole "Spring" theme.
The entire piece was done in about 1.5 hours. About 30 minutes devoted to figuring out what to do with the background. You never know when the muse will strike or where she will take you. I'm just glad she drops by here every so often. :)
Gene! Gene, the Illustrating Machine!
...sorry about that. An old Gong Show flashback...
You da Man!
Wow, that is beautiful. You should consider a set of the four seasons for prints etc. I love the wings' resemblance to leaves or blades of grass. I will be careful mowing for the first time this Spring...just in case.
Can't help myself sometimes and I mean no disrespect...but Gene, it's time for a new calendar. :D
Thanks Pep!
Thanks Lud! Would you believe that was the first time anyone has made that connection between my name and the Gong Show? ;)
Thanks Royce, four seasons is a possibility. Though this was never planned to represent Spring. :)
And Royce, huh? I missed that one.
D'oh! Never mind. Got it. Funny thing is I fixed that file and then showed Dakota a really cool Photoshop Plug-In that I just got. When I did, I went back to the original file and did the process again for her. Not realizing I left it at 2008. Oy!
Fantastic piece, and I agree with Royce that you should consider doing all four seasons!
The fairy is (of course) very nice and the digital coloring is great. The background elements remind me of art deco for some reason.
Thanks for sharing!
I agree you should do the other seasons and like Gary I thought art deco when I saw it. This would make a great series.......
Thanks Gary. I think I will have to see if the Muse hits me with another one soon. And the Art Deco(ish) design was intentional. Good eye!
Thanks Brian!
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