More Planet X goodness! I've been inking all day and will continue for another few hours. I am working on a full page splash of our heroes escaping the floating city. It will take at least another day of inking the city. Since I haven't drawn anything else, I'm hoping no one will mind if I just share a panel from the page I did finish inking today.
Thanks for the share of the panel Gene. It looks great, and I have always liked the look of a "Bubble Topped" flying craft, ever since first seeing George Jetson fly one as a kid.
That brings up a question... did you design this one and if so, where do you get your inspiration? Or maybe you make it up from scratch? To keep the look consistent, do you produce model sheets of the machinery that shows up repeatedly or "wing" it as needed? Just curious.
After seeing this one panel, I have to ask, who would NOT buy this series?
Awesome Gene, awesome!
Hey Royce - I did design this craft after bouncing some ideas back and forth with writer Chris Mills. Actually you can go here to see the story behind the craft and some of the model sheets I did: http://perilsonplanetx.blogspot.com/2007/08/airship-design-101.html
Thanks Gary, I hope everyone who sees it feels the same way. :)
Ahh, I see now that the cockpit is open to the elements. I mistook the windshield as a bubble enclosure ala the Jetson mobile.
Thanks for the clarification. Little did I realize my question was answered a year and a half before I asked it! :)
Hey Royce, I like to anticipate any questions you might have. By the way, the question you will have for 01-23-09 was answered Sept. 20, 1998. All part of the service. ;)
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