I spent the day inking Perils On Planet X, so as promised, or warned depending on your perspective, another day, another sketchy rough. Today is Dawnstar, Legionnaire. This sketch is a good example as to
why you work out the idea on something other than the board the final art will be done on. Since I cannot decide which way to go with her legs, I would have torn up the board with my erasing and redrawing. This was done in Col-Erase pencil on 11" x 17" copy paper.
Nice one Gene. Reminiscent of Mike Grell. Of course, his design used a single pair of legs... :D
Looking forward to the Perils book. Do you guys have a timetable in mind for a relase?
Well, I give you more leg for your buck! Grell only does one pair. Hmph! Anyone can do just one pair. ;)
No timetable on Planet X. I have about 10 pages of the second issue to ink and Chris is finishing up the third and final script. This would move a lot faster if I there was pay involved. I wouldn't have to work on so many other things. I have done about 11 full comics, pencils, inks, and in four, colors since I started Planet X. Not to mention the mess of other work. It's tough as I would love to devote more time to it.
Thanks for your interest!
Ah, only six days into the year and you have already posted a Legionnaire! Thanks!
No pay involved for Planet X? Based on what I have seen, the original artwork should sell!
You would'nt have been listening to any ZZ Top when you drew this?
Dawny's one of my favorite Legionnaires!
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