Saturday, January 31, 2009
Black Canary

Friday, January 30, 2009
Supergirl & the Super Pets - Rough

This is an idea I am going to play with today. I sketched this out in my sketchbook during my morning coffee. Well, the first cup of my morning coffee. I actually hear the coffee maker beeping at me right now that the latest pot is ready. :) Supergirl, Streaky, and Krypto riding pieces of ice that have broken free of a "Comet". See how I worked in "Comet"? (Comet the Super-Horse). More with this tomorrow.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Dejah Thoris, Princess of Mars - Complete

Just finished inking this piece. Mostly with a brush. Some Micron pen work on the background. 11" x 17" Strathmore 500 Series Bristol Board.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Dejah Thoris, Princess of Mars - Process
Anyone who knows me or has followed this blog knows I like drawing Dejah Thoris. And today I revisit my favorite Princess of Mars. I also thought I would share the process, as short as it is.
Below is the sketch I worked out on a piece of 11" x 17" copy paper. I am drawing with a Vermillion Col-Erase pencil. I like to sketch with a color because something about a regular lead feels permanent. With a color pencil I just get loose with the drawing. With graphite, I start worrying about every line. So the lounging Dejah is here with her sleeping pet Fluffy.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Black Widow - Ebay

Monday, January 26, 2009
Frosty Fairy
Sunday, January 25, 2009

This fairy started out as a pencil sketch in my sketchbook yesterday. I scanned the pencils in so I could enlarge it, print it, and light table it on to another board for inking and/or painting. But once the sketch was digitized, I decided to do the entire piece in Adobe Illustrator CS3. I really had no idea where I was going except for drawing and coloring the fairy. Once she was done I tried to come up with a background color and from that grew the whole "Spring" theme.
The entire piece was done in about 1.5 hours. About 30 minutes devoted to figuring out what to do with the background. You never know when the muse will strike or where she will take you. I'm just glad she drops by here every so often. :)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Color Sketching

Friday, January 23, 2009
Phantom Lady: Wet & Wild - Complete

In the meantime, I'm gonna go celebrate my birthday. :)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Phantom Lady: Wet & Wild - Progress

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Phantom Lady: Wet & Wild - Ink & Paint

If anyone else would like a painted commission, just contact me through email with your request.
(And sorry for the digital photo here. I know it might look a little distorted. The paint was wet and I didn't want to take a chance putting it on the scanner.)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Phantom Lady: Wet & Wild - Inking

Monday, January 19, 2009
Phantom Lady: Wet & Wild - Roughs

In an email, Kevin explained the concept and I thought it was great fun. I did the two sketches on the left for him to review. While the far left sketch has a dramatic angle, it does take away from showing Phantom Lady's curves and short-shorts legs. We both decided a variation of the straight on approach (the middle sketch) mixed with more body expression would be better. The sketch on the right is closer to what the final line art will look like. Which I will share tomorrow.
All the sketches were done in my sketchbook using Col-Erase pencils and graphite pencils.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Hula Baby!

I might be sharing the process on a new commission piece this Monday. More later! :)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Supergirl - Convention Print

It's time to start thinking about convention season and with that comes the work of coloring a lot of art for prints. So here we have the first one for 2009. This piece was created as one of the sketch auction pieces. Now with a splash of color in Photoshop, it will be in my print folder for a future show.
Also today, I finally put up the new design for my website, www.genegonzales.com. If you check it out you might notice that all the pin-up art is gone. I am separating my pin-up work from my main business site. No one has objected to my pin-ups but I think it's better to be proactive. I have registered a new domain name for the pinup work but I haven't built the site yet. Hopefully I will find some time soon. In the meantime I will try to keep my CAF page up to date.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Phantom Lady - commission process final

Last thing for the night, I have a opening in my schedule right now that will probably last a couple of weeks. If anyone is interested in getting a painted commission, send me an email of what you have in mind.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Phantom Lady - commission process 5
Quick post today. Finished the inks for this piece. The background on the other side of the paddy wagon were left in pencil (they are not showing up very well in this scan) because I will just use color to define the edges of the buildings. This is ready to start painting tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Phantom Lady - commission process 4
Today it was all about the inks. I usually use a brush to ink my comic work. Anyone who has seen me at a convention has probably seen me inking sketches with a brush. Every so often I get frustrated with the poor quality of brushes being made today and I use Micron Pens, but I love the look of brush work so much more. Below is a picture of my set up today.

More tomorrow.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Phantom Lady - commission process 3

I like to do a digital color composition of the art before I paint. It gives me a chance to see what I am doing before I screw it up on the art board. In the old days, I would make photocopies of the pencil art and block in color on that in order to get a sense of what I want the final artwork to look like. Digital makes it so much easier. The goal with this piece is to really emphasize the difference between Phantom Lady (both her body and color) and her surroundings. She with her bright colors and everything around her is done in blues and browns.
I am in the process of transferring my finished line art to a 15" x 20" piece of watercolor board. So, more tomorrow.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Phantom Lady - commission process 2
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Odyri, Princess of Empyr

Convention News: I was late to register for MegaCon. But I am on a waiting list for space. Hopefully I will know something soon and I will post it here. Also, I just got my registration info for the Pittsburgh Con. It has been moved to September and I am planning on attending. I am still on for HeroesCon in June as well.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Phantom Lady - commission process 1

The commission will be set in the 1940s. So I started looking at some comic covers from that time period in order to get the costume right. Though the final piece will feature the yellow and green costume, I used the blue and red color scheme here for fun.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Dawnstar - Finished

This piece was done in Golden Liquid Acrylics on a sheet of 12" x 16" Winsor & Newton 200lb watercolor paper.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009
Claw The Unconquered

Today I present my take on Claw, a DC sword and sorcery series from the 70s. They have brought him back on a few occasions including a team-up with Red Sonja. I think I read the first few issues of the series when it came out. I remember the basics about his demon hand, but that's about it. I found it very funny to see the demon he switch hands with. Imagine a very vile, big, nasty critter with a small human hand on one wrist and maybe you might chuckle too. This was done in pencil in my sketchbook and then a whole lot of Photoshop thrown at it.
Today I was inking a page from Perils On Planet X. I plan to do the same tomorrow so we will be having mostly sketches for the next day or two. But, I will have a commission starting by the end of the week and I will see if I can get permission to share as I create.
Tidbit of art illustration history...Commissioner Gordon was brought up in the comments the other day. (Actually Royce brought up Chief O'Hara but that's just picking nits) The actor that played Gordon on the Batman TV series in the 1960s was Neil Hamilton. Little known fact that Hamilton was a model for J.C. Leyendecker. If you don't know who Leyendecker is, just do a quick Google on the name and I will be surprised if you have never seen his work. Hamilton posed for this image, Thanksgiving 1918. Leyendecker gave him the painting later and in the recent book about Leyendecker by Laurence S. Cutler and Judy Goffman Cutler, there is a cool photo from the 1920s of Hamilton looking at the original hanging over his mantle. Just thought I would share. :)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Space Ghost! - Finish

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Space Ghost! - Progress Report

The image is done on 15" x 20" Strathmore illustration board. Watercolor and some ink. The blue border is just painters tape. Just to give the final piece a nice clean edge. Hopefully more of this piece tomorrow.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Digital Sketching

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!

This is just a little piece I did this morning in my sketchbook using a violet Col-Erase pencil and some color in Photoshop. I'm sure there are a few out there that can relate to this scene after New Year's Eve. :)
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