I felt bad that it has been sketchy stuff all week. So when I read that Star Girl will be in the upcoming episodes of SMALLVILLE featuring the JSA, I got a bit excited and started drawing her. And since I haven't done a Canson Cutie of her, it seemed like the way to go. :)
And for those that like to see the roughs, below is the initial sketch I did for this piece.
If anyone is interested in purchasing the original just drop me an email. Otherwise she is eBay bound. :) Star Girl is done in ink, color pencil and acrylic on an 11" x 17" sheet of Canson Mi-Teines paper.
This is Post #763
Turned out great, Gene. Colors worked really well...this one should be gone soon too!
It's always a treat to see you draw Stargirl, Gene!
She's one of the few new DC heroes to really catch on with fans -- which I think is largely due to the unambiguous nature of her heroism and optimism (a rarity in the current marketplace).
Your take on her captures those qualities quite nicely!
I'm a big fan of the 'Star' lineage, so was thrilled to see this piece.
An email has been sent your way, sir.
Good thing I got home late from work. I'd have sent an e-mail, too. :(
Beautiful job, Gene, as per usual.
Thanks John! Plug for John: Everyone should check out John Beatty's USTREAM show. Watch him drawing commissions live at: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/john-beatty-live Follow John on Twitter @JohnBeattyArt for the schedule. End of of advertisement. :)
Thanks Jon! I agree with you. The positive nature of the character has endeared her with me. I was a fan from the Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. series. So much so that I bought the double page spread from issue 12! :)
Thanks Stephen! A response has been sent your way. :)
Thanks Carlos! Say "Hi" to your lovely wife for me. :)
Thanks for sharing both the rough (I like how you were working out the hand grip in the lower left of the sketch) and the finished Canson piece. Gene, you OWN Canson paper! Excellent job!
Great Job Gene as soon as I saw her I knew she'd never make it to ebay too :)
Thanks Gary! :)
Thanks Brian! No one has claimed her yet. :)
Wow, what a nice surprise to open up this page and see this "Cutie!"
4 Star pice Gene!!
Waaaaa-hoooo! That's a nice one!
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