It was a full day. Most of it was spent doing some commercial work and then most of the late afternoon and evening was working on a commissioned painting. The good news is the commercial work got done and the painting is about 95% done. It's at the point where I will add some effects and little touches and then it's finished. That will happen tomorrow. The bad news is there was very little time for sketching. I started two ideas that I quickly abandoned. They weren't working out the way I wanted them to and I think it was because todays busy schedule was on my mind. So much so that I almost forgot to scan the sketches. Oy.
This is Post #754
I totally admire your dedication to being us some art each day. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Sounds like it was a very productive day from the commercial side, so that is both good news and the priority! Happy to have your rough sketchs to look at too!
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