In other news, I have looked at my schedule for the month of September and I believe I will be doing more Conventionless, Convention Sketches. I will know for sure on Monday afternoon. This time I will take on the same amount of 20 (or less if no one is interested) but they will be completed over the month of September. I will offer them here first, and if I don't hit 20, I will put up an auction on eBay for the balance. More info tomorrow. But if anyone would like to chime in early and post if they will be interested, (don't send money) that would be cool. Thanks!
Wow! I can't make it by for a few days and what do I discover? The saying is true. Miss a day, miss a lot!
I especially like the finished Mummy, but all [as usual] are sweet!
Hey, Gene -- consider this my early chime-in! :)
I would love to transform two of your Conventionless Convention Sketches into a single, two-character piece for my common Elements theme gallery. I'll check back tomorrow!
Ring Ring!
Chiming in! Two spots on your list will definitely interest me!
Hope all are enjoying the weekend.
Gene, I'm throwing my hat in the ring! Definitely one with a decent chance on a second.
Have a happy Labor Day!
The witch is turning out great and I know that you will do a great job on the color!
You know, my first convention sketch from you was from the Baltimore Comiccon several years back (and this convention will be in late September). I know you will not be making it to Maryland, so a "conventionless sketch" would do me fine!
Fun piece cant wait to see it in color!
Count me in for 3 again! (Hey Gotham is a big town..:) I am willing to give up one slot (or two) if others on this blog would get shut out.
Hello Gene, Great stuff and I would love to get in on the fun and get one of your conventionless convention sketches too!
Craig - It's easy to get behind. Thanks for dropping in and for the kind words!
Michael - Thanks. Stay tuned! :)
Royce - Thanks! Yep, did some stuff around the house and got some work done.
Lud! - Thanks, more info today about the sketches.
Gary - Thanks! You got a sketch from me in Baltimore? Thanks! You were one of two. I remember I did a Thor for someone, what did I do for you? :)
Brian - Thanks man.
Ken - Welcome and thanks for posting! More info shortly about the sketches!
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