My next project for fun (and profit maybe) will be series of painting with south pacific/island girl/tiki themes. Posted here are three ideas I am developing. The painting will be done in acrylic on 12" wide by 48" tall stretched canvas. I plan to make these very rich in color. Very bold. Should be fun. I just need to get a final design done and then find time in my schedule to paint them. Piece of cake. :) These drawings were done in color pencil and ink on copy paper.
Can't wait to see them, your Tiki art is cool. (Now how do I work Batman into a tiki scene? hmmm)
On a side note yesterdays song drove my co-workers nuts today as I was singing and humming it most of the day. The wife sick of it too....may have to down load it to my ipod :)
I actually was humming the song as I brushed my teeth before bed last night. See the influence you have Gene?
Love the "Summertime" song references of the past few days as I bade farewell to my summer today as I reported back to school. Bummer, but I need a paycheck...lol
Good luck with the tall skinny pieces. I know that Tom Fleming has had great success with a similar shaped canvas though not quite as tall as yours. They sound like they will be fun to paint.
Ah, those Tiki guys again! This should be an enjoyable project.
Hey, is there such a thing as a female Tiki?
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