I wasn't terribly busy today with sketches. Actually I only had one. Below is one from yesterday that I forgot to document with a photo. Luckily Karen, who commissioned this for her book, came back. So first up is Ka-Zar and Zabu of the Savage Land.

Next up for Dave is Star Girl. Karen and Dave spent a lot of time with me chatting and it was much appreciated. Always a fun conversation to be had when the three of us get started. :) Thanks to both of you!

That's it for the show. I had a good time. Met a lot of new people. I'm still pretty new to the convention scene down here and the response from people who dropped by my table is positive. The nice folks who run the show did a great job and I was really impressed with the turn out for a new two day show. I look forward to the winter MegaCon in March 2010!
Next show: Pittsburgh ComiCon!
Wow, the Ka-zar piece is worthy of a cover! Great backgrounds and Zabu never looked better!
I like both the rough sketch and the finished piece of the StarGirl. Please share the rough stuff when you can, it is always a treat!
Glad that you had a good Con! Hopefully, Pittsburgh will be even better!
I love both of these, Gene, but I agree with Gary that the Ka-Zar and Zabu piece is a stunner!
Now, everyone 'fess up: Do you pronounce it KAY-zar or kuh-ZAR?
Fantastic! You really took good care of Dave and Karen! I can't wait to see those in person!
And I am pretty sure I will still be at Pittsburgh, but just Friday, I couldn't get Saturday off work!
swanshadow, I have always said KAY-zar.
Thanks Gary. I can barely remember to photograph the finished pieces, I'm lucky I thought to take a photo of the rough. :)
Thanks Michael. I never knew anyone pronounced it kuh-Zar until the show. Someone walked by and said "Cool, "kuh-Zar". I have always said "Kay-Zar" myself. Although I did mispronounce Magneto and Sub-Mariner for years. :)
Thanks Shane. I hope to see you in Pittsburgh.
Gene, You are the man to have these up already. I hope you had a good con (other than the food). Thanks again for everything, you help make it really fun for us. I always enjoy chatting with you. The sketches are awesome as every sketch I've gotten from you is. Thanks so much. Definitely not Tarzan :D StarGirl is exactly what Dave wanted too. He's been wanting to get that sketch from you since before FX. He has to work on the book management.... :)
Swanshadow, I always say KAY-zar too, but something makes me think it should be ka-ZAR. I think KAY sounds better but ka seems grammatically correct. I dunno :)
Wonderful Stargirl and I agree the Kazar piece is cover worthy!
I say Kay-zar, but remember years ago someone pronouncing it that way and I believe I was saying kuh-zar before that.
Pittsburgh around the corner and even though I'm more of a DC guy (in my old age) I just bought a Stan Lee ticket...debating on what to get signed, probably the first Spiderman movie poster, any other ideas?
I grew up saying KAY-Zar, Sub-muh-REEN-er, Mixie-pilt-a-lick , Kuh-MAN-dee, and ACK-qwuh-man. Oh and ZAY-tan-nuh. I also remember thinking that glass had "silver" in it, because as I was learning to read, I misread an old Superman story where he cured a blind man by surgically removing a small "sliver" of glass from his retina. Who says comics are for the ignorant?
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