This one has been tucked away for a week. It was commissioned by Patman for his buddy Pat as a birthday gift. I was informed that the gift was given and I am in the clear to share this now. Patman had the idea of Marvel Girl with Phoenix's face in flames in the background. The background as a hint of Jean Grey's future. Even the pose for Marvel Girl was his suggestion. The bird-like pose reinforces the eventual change from Marvel Girl to Phoenix. Though Patman may not have meant it, I found the pose to have almost a crucifixion feel to it. Which would relate to Jean's sacrifice of her own life to save her loved ones. Hey, who says that these pieces can't have deep undertones? : )
Thanks again to Patman for this commission. And I hope that Pat likes it.
Damn that is awesome!
One of my absolute favorite pieces from you, Gene. You really knocked it out of the park with this one!!! 8O
Beautifully done Gene! Awesome!!
Deeply philosophical Jean..err Gene! What really, really makes this piece is the background face overshadowing the future to come. One of those pieces that conveys a great visual look as well as envokes an emotional response. Outstanding Gene!
Hey, that looks familiar!
Nice job, Jean/Gene! The Hulmanator liked it (mucho gusto).
Thanks Lan!
Kind of you to say so, Carlos!
Thanks Paul!
Thanks Gary! And thanks to Pat for his concept!
Glad to hear it Pat! Thanks again!
Marvel Girl never looked better and the background face was a great idea.
What everyone else said.....
Very lovely indeed. I'm still partial to this particular costume of Jean's. But then, I'm kinda old school like that. :)
yes i liked it alot gene thanks.
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