Dave Stevens created a great character in the Rocketeer. I remember when the back-up stories first appeared in Starslayer. I loved it. The American Comic Book Company had him in for a signing right around that time. I used to buy my books there and by accident I happened in on that day. I think Dave was the first comic professional I ever met. Him or Gerry Conway, I'm not sure. But I do remember talking to him briefly and let him know how much I liked his creation. I'm also a big fan of the movie. So when Andrew asked for a Rocketeer commission, I was all over it. This was done in ink and graphite. Thanks Andrew!
How long ago was it when you first met Dave Stevens?
Very nice Rocketeer by the way! A character that is not seen very much, but is memorable none the less.
Love the pulp feel for this character. I like your version, Gene. Does anyone know the status of the character since Dave passed? Any rumors about further adventures?
Gary, I met Dave at The American Comic Book Company in North Hollywood sometime after the second part of his Rocketeer back up story came out. I don't remember the year. The store was a second floor walk up and was small. Actually to say "small" is really an understatement. The store was probably 10' x 12' with a 10' hallway that connected to it. Putting Dave at a table to sign ate up quite a bit of space. It was the second direct market comic book store I found. The first being Passport Comics in North Hollywood.
Thanks Royce. I don't know what is up with the rights. Maybe his family has them. No news about new adventure either. Funny thing, have you ever seen a story page of Dave's Rocketeer art in anyone's collection? I haven't.
This is a really slick rendition of the Rocketeer, Gene!
I think one of the reasons you don't see the character too often is that there just aren't many artists that can do his retro-cool look justice. Dave Stevens, after all, is a pretty hard act to follow! A brilliant talent gone way too soon.
Great Rocketeer and I echo the Stevens comments. Probably one of the first artists I remember picking up a book just because he did the cover.
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