Because everyone seems to like the rough stuff (oh you know you do) and because today I was working on stuff I can't share, I am presenting some sketchbook pages from the show. :)

First up is the rough I did for Karen's Magik commission. Since I didn't have her book yet and I wasn't working on any other sketch, I figured I would work out the idea in my sketchbook. Karen refers to my drawings as "happy" and she likes them that way. So she wasn't sure she wanted me doing a dark, tough Magik. But she really wanted Magik's Soul Sword in it. :) I convinced her I could do it. I think I pulled it off and still made the piece fun by hacking off a demon hand. Yes folks, nothing says "fun" like a hacked off demon hand. Tell your friends.

The rest were done while I was bored. I was trying to come up with some generic action poses in case I needed them. Didn't need them at this show after all, but they will probably show up somewhere down the road. I like to keep these kind of sketches around to refer back to when I am blocked from ideas for sketch poses. The finished piece might not look exactly like the sketch, but the sketch does provide a jumping off point. And sometimes that is all that is needed. :)
Hey Gene! I just wanted to say thanks again for Magik! It's perfect, it really is. I love that you posted the rough sketch too. I saved it so I could always have it with the Magik sketch. I learned more about how to draw in the 15 minutes you showed us faces than I've learned all my life. Now I can keep that memory with that sketch. :) All your sketches at FX looked so good! I think it's ridiculous that your list isn't full eveyday. I have to start advertising for you more... ;)
It is unfortunate that the sketch list was not full, lucky I was not at the show, I would have put you to work!!!
Another example of your great discipline. You use your "down time" to sketch poses that may be used in the future. Very proactive.
And yes, these roughs are always fun to look at and guess as to which character(s) it could be!
Thanks for posting that rough, Gene! Always cool to see behind the scenes.
Also, glad to hear your internet is back up and running! That is a terrible problem to deal with!
Gene, you are probably reluctant to do this, but feel free to solicit from those of us who couldn't make it to the show on those down days!! Sketching for ebay is another alternative during a show. But then downtime at a show allows you time to network and wander a bit too, so it's not all bad come to think of it!
Glad your internet service is back up and running. I know we used to get by without it but it is hard to do without these days.
Hey Karen, it was great seeing you at the show. I'm glad you liked Magik and felt the need to pimp my work. That was great! Thanks again for the commission! :)
Gary, I try to keep myself busy at a show if I don't have sketches to do. Probably should have taken some work with me, but doodling in my book was good too. Thanks!
Thanks Shane! Are you planning on attending HeroesCon?
Thanks Royce, but I think I hit you guys enough with the Conventionless Convention Sketches without going to you all for regular cons your not attending. :) The thing about shows down here is that I am new to them. And I am investing time into them much like HeroesCon and Pittsburgh 10 years ago. Slowly people will get to know me, for better or for worse. ;) Luckily my costs are minimal here. After I pay for my table, food and gas, it's just my time.
I am so happy to have internet service again. It has become so necessary for business that to be down a couple of days can be a real problem. Especially with my phone tied to it. Hopefully the troubles are over.
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