Sometimes the fates like to mess with a person. You know, that perfect storm that challenges you both professionally and personally. Nothing earth-shattering or life changing, just annoying and a pain. I present today: First day back to work and a lot of things to do. That is when my internet connection goes down. That wipes out my telephone too. The problem is the modem and it has done this three times in three weeks. The other two times the ISP reset it remotely. This time no joy. The support person apologized and stated that someone should have scheduled service for me when the problem happened a second time. So I was put on high priority and will get a service tech to my studio between 2pm and 8pm. Big window I think, should be okay. But at 8:20pm, still no sign of support and no call. So I pack up the laptop and head for Panera Bread and free Wifi.
Not only was the blog threatened by all this, but I had revisions to send to a client. And I don't like not doing what I said I would do. The client was very understanding but I wanted to make sure they get the files tonight. (They are in California so the time difference helps). At 8:37, I was called on my cell and told that the support person was at my house. Swell. They are supposed to be back tomorrow between 8-10am. Any bets?
Todays art was sketched in my sketchbook today and colored in Photoshop. I hope everyone has a good weekend!
I guarantee I had a better day than you did, sheesh!
One thing we have in common though, if the computer link up to the internet is messed up, Panera bread is my Wifi haven!
Thanks for the extra effort to keep the streak going. Is that big dagger in Deja hand meant for your computer service guy?
Hope you have better luck tomorrow!
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Love the sketch though. Your efforts to keep this blog regularly updated are truly appreciated.
At my last house, we were the first Time Warner account on our road, a relatively newly developed road. So we get hooked up...no probs.
A few days later a construction crew cuts my cable. I call TW and they inform me that there is no such account. After an hour of explaining that my account does in fact exist, I am given the Friday window of 12 noon to 8 PM. I call them at 8:20 and they assure me that I will be serviced. The guy shows up at 9PM and patches the cable. So far so good.
He then enters his work order electronically and at 10:30 someone comes back out and disconnects my service as I am "illegally" getting service, again due to a misspelling of my street address by the initial rep who set up my account. This happened three times over two months...disconnects for "stealing" service and then 2 day waits as they get someone out to reactivate the hub on my street. We finally get it straight after a three month fight.
I am so glad we moved.
Oh, nice deja by the way!
Thanks Gary. Like I said, not a life or death situation but yeesh! The cable guy just left. The only thing he did was unplug the modem (which I did) and take out the back-up battery (which I didn't know about). Plug it up and everything works. If the person on the phone had told me to remove the battery when I unplugged it I would have. Odds are this is just going to patch the problem.
Thanks Craig!
You win Royce. You have the the worse cable service story between the two of us. :) In Tennessee, when we bought our house, it was a new home. One of three that were built on that land. Cable service ended at the pole before our property. I called and they weren't interested in running cable for just one house. I told them there were three homes and they recommended I talk to my neighbors and have them call in for service. I recommended that they have a sales person who is on salary with them to make the house calls. The person on the phone said, "Oh, I guess we can do that." I guess he didn't know they had a sales staff. Oy!
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