Let's start this post with the fact that after a full day at the con and a 1.5 hour drive home, I am now at a local Panera Bread using their free WiFi. We had internet service at home for about three hours yesterday which enabled me to upload my post, but today it is dead. Sigh. Service is supposed to be coming tomorrow between 10am - 12. We will see about that.

Today I present Bomb Queen. Sorry, this is just a digital picture. When David asked for her yesterday, I knew I would need references. So this morning he dropped off a graphic novel and some other materials. Wow, what an over the top character. Great design to her too. As you can probably tell, I had a lot of fun with this. David was pleased and he promised to drop by here some time. I know everyone make him feel welcome.
If you followed my tweets on Twitter, you may have seen the Namor-Sue Storm piece I was working on. Bad news. There was an unfortunate act of fate and ink that destroyed that piece when it was finished. No I didn't spill my ink. It's a story I might be able to tell another day but not now as the piece was a gift and I don't know when it will be given. I did start over and redo the entire piece today and it came out nice and the person who asked for it was pleased. And I forgot to get a picture. Fate. :)
For anyone counting, you might have noticed we are going to hit the 500th day of posting next week. Though I did post a few times in December of 2007, I consider the beginning of this blog January 1, 2008. Blogger actually counts each post I make, not the days. So because of some double posts I have past the 500 mark already. But I count the days and 500 seems like a pretty cool milestone to hit.
It's back to work tomorrow. I have Fanfare's gaming art to finish tomorrow, a modification to a piece of art for a client that shouldn't take too long and two commissions to get done with this week. (Honest Gary and Jonathan!) :) So for now, good night and good luck!
Fun piece, and preliminary congrats on hitting a big milestone! I can barely read a blog 2 days in a row, let alone write anything, Well done Gene!
That's a really cool take on Bomb Queen -- it's always cool to see some creator-owned characters getting a little love!
I haven't kept up with BQ's recent adventures, but I did get her first couple of limited series back in the day -- and, like you, found them to be a lot of fun in an insanely over the top way.
Her creator, Jimmie Robinson, seem like a good guy too. I haven't met him in person, but he is one of the more friendly and accessible pros on the Panel and Pixel forum for newbie creators -- always ready to dispense advice and insight. It's nice to see that he has a hit on his hands.
Love the drawing. I'm not familiar with the character, but she looks like fun.
Sorry to hear about your lack of internet and damage to your art.
THANKS AGAIN for making EX so much fun.
Very cool Bomb Queen! And of course, the signature motif perfectly fits with the piece. I've also noticed that you have identified the show as part of the signature. Is this something new for you?
Thank goodnes for Panera Bread. Maybe we should get you a gift certificate there until your Wi-Fi is fully up and running!
Hope you had a good show overall! Don't worry about the Josie commission, I am in no rush!
Also, congratulations on the upcoming 500 milestone! Bet the next 500 will be easier!
Wow, almost 500 consecutive days with a post! If I had a nickel for every day you have posted, I would have....let's see, carry the one...
TWENTY-FIVE dollars!!
although, that sum isn't impressive, your streak certainly is!! Does anyopne know of another artist with anywhere NEAR that level of commitment to communicating with their fans? I really doubt it!! Gene, Gene, the posting Machine!!
I like the sketches from the show Gene. Looking forward to seeing what you get asked for at HeroesCon in a couple of months!!
I knew David would love this. You knocked it out, sir.
Hey Gene! Make "Brighthouse" cough up some free service for your time lost!
On another note, it was a pleasure to hang with you and get to know you better during the show!
You did some nice pieces of art at the show!
Post 500 coming up! Wow...That is a milestone! I'll be back for that one!
Keep on, friend!
I was thinking about your streak of conscutive posts.(Yeah, I have nothing better to do...)
2008 was a leap year = 366 days.
Jan 2009 = 31 days
Feb 2009 = 28 days
Mar 2009 = 31 days
April 2009 = 20 days so far
So, today (April 20, 2009) will be the 476th day from your "official" start.
By my count, Day number 500 will be 24 dyas from now, on May 14, 2009 unless you do in fact add the 2 days into the streak from 2007 (Dec 30, 31) which brings Day 500 to MAY 12 for the current streak, or May 6 for the overall 500th day of posting counting ALL days, streak and otherwise. How are you getting 500 for next week? Forgive me if I am missing something.
Sorry, just the Math Geek in me rearing its ugly head!
We will have to celebrate the mighty occasion in some way, maybe at HeroesCon?
Am I counting wrong?
Okay Royce, you just discovered why I am an artist: Math is hard! My count is off. I was looking at the numbers on my page: 2008: 378 and 2009: 113 equal 491. I didn't look to see what the posts were. I just noticed that March had 33. I'm guessing that count add each picture I post. So I was off. You math geek. :)
Thanks for checking that out and bringing it to my attention!
Maybe we can do something at Heroes. We should give that some thought.
I was very pleased with the Bomb Queen piece. This was my first time being exposed to Gene's art and I'm upset it has taken me this long. This commission was the best of the dozen that I got at FX Show because of the detail and originality. Always leave the concept up to the artist and you will be pleasantly surprised.
Now that this blog is in my favorites I will do my best to find Gene at future Con's and add to my collection. Thanks again.
Thanks Anthony. It looks like my math was off and we won't hit that milestone until May. D'oH!
Thanks Jonathan. I will have to check out the forum you mention. I have never heard of it.
Craig, it was great hanging with you. When you get a chance, shoot me a scan or picture of the Stallone I did for you. I forgot to take a shot of it. Thanks!
Thanks Gary! Luckily Panera Bread has free wifi. The only danger is all the pastries!!!
Hey John, it was fun to hang with you as well. Thanks for setting up our tables together. I will be hitting Brighthouse for some moola, don't you worry. BTW, it's amazing how good you look for someone who is 73 years old. The age you would have to be for being in this business so long! ;)
Thanks Lan! I hope you continue to drop by.
David, I am so glad you are pleased with Bomb Queen. High praise indeed if it was your favorite of the show. Thanks!! And welcome to the blog!
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