This is a PG-13 version of an adult Yue, from Avatar. I am not familiar with the characters from the series but it was fun drawing them. Thanks again to Lukacs for the commission! This is ink on 11" x 17" Canson Bristol Board.

We have officially run out of Legion Couples. But we have not run out of the Legion pieces I did for this series of commissions. As we got to the end there were a few characters that never had a significant other. Today we have Chameleon Boy. There was a story where he met and fell in love with a princess from another dimension, and another story where he met a girl that was her double in his own dimension, but that was it. So he got the solo treatment with the original Legion Clubhouse in the background. This was done in ink and gouache on 11" x 17" illustration board. Can anyone guess who the last solo Legionnaire is?
I remember the "girl/princess from another dimension" story. It was the first Legion (Adventure Comics)issue I ever bought off the shelf. IF I remember, he was about to be christened/welcomed into the family prior to the Wedding and the Legionnaires mistook the ritual ( which they saw through an inter-dimensional viewer )for an execution and "snatched" him back into their own dimension in the proverbial nick of time. Poor Chamelion Boy, he could never catch a break. I always thought he must be tempted to impersonate one of the other guys for a few minutes. :)
Thanks for the share Gene! The commission is fetching to say the least!
Hey Royce, good memory. You Legion buying days go back farther than mine. Chams second romance is a friend of Projectras. And he did use his powers to look human for a while when he was around the girl. But in the end he taught us all a lesson: You have to be who you are. :) Thanks!
Ferro Lad???
Oh, that was a great guess. I don't think I mentioned this is the Cockrum/Grell period of the Legion. Though Ferro Lad's clone did appear in one story during that time, it's not him.
Ok how about Blok, Tyroc or the White Witch??? By the way this is Tyler...I finally got the blog thing to work!!!
Superboy? Matter Eater Lad?
And about that Avatar character, the art strikes me as a bit Art Nouveau with the wavy background. Was this intended?
Tyler - Bloc and White Witch were later. Tyroc is another good guess. We did exclude him. Didn't realize we missed a couple. Thanks for pointing that out.
Royce - Superboy was with Lana sometime last week I think. Matter-Eater Lad is another one we missed. Man! (That was in my best Napoleon Dynamite voice)
Chemical King, that is the last one. Whew!
Gary, I didn't do it intentionally but I see it now. The character wears a robe type outfit with wavy material coming off it. When doing the character nude, it's hard to get the look right. So I tried to play with how the material floats around her.
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