Just a really quick post tonight folks. I just got in from Orlando after a particularly tiring day. But I will answer yesterdays comments tomorrow AND I have a cool announcement too. In the meantime...
Above is the grown-up, PG version of Katara, the Waterbending Master from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Thanks to Lukacs for the commission! This is ink on 11" x 17" Canson Bristol Board.
Hmm, a cool annoucement after a trip to Orlando??? Now if that is not a reason to come back to this blog, I don't know what is!!!
Not familiar with Katara, but I want to be after seeing this! Great job Gene!
The announcement thingy and Orlando had nothing to do with each other, sorry. But I can see how you put that together. :) The Orlando trip was Labs related. We are doing a series of Gang Reduction events all over the state. About 300+ participants at each event. Here's one cool thing that happened: During the event, I was walking past the State Attorney General who was having a conversation with some Law Enforcement Officers, and he stopped his conversation to stop me and shake my hand and tell me how much he liked my work. We had a nice, brief conversation. Nice guy.
When a State Attorney General stops you, are you tempted to quickly make up some sort of alibi?
SAG: "Excuse me, Mr. Gonzales? May I speak to you for a moment"
Gene: "That's a load of crock man, I was home with my wife at the time!"
Like Gary, I am not familiar with the character, but I sure do enjoy seeing you draw her.
Waiting patiently for your upcoming announcement!
Oh, received Starfire in the mail yesterday. As Billy Crystal used to say...."She looks marvelous!"
So we arent going to see you with mouse ears? 8:)
I bet the State Attorney General has one of your pieces of art hanging in his office!!!
Hey, where is that annoucement :-)
Royce- Enjoy the Starfire!
Royce - Actually Royce it was more like "Yes, sir. No, sir. Thank you very much, sir" Glad Kory made it to you safe and sound.
No Brian, no mouse ears. :)
Working on the announcement now Gary!
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