Another Chrismas cutie today. On the left is a scan of the original painting. Watercolor and some color pencil on 10" x 15" Canson Cold Press Watercolor paper. On the right is the finished version I did for my next CILM release. The background is done digitally and can easily be removed from the foreground. Something that is very important for signature groups that buy the images.

And today's Legion couple is Timber Wolf (Brin Londo) and Light Lass (Ayla Ranzz) They had been a couple since Brins first appearance in the Legion, back when he was called Lone Wolf. But he didn't become a member until years later. Dave Cockrum designed Wolf's look here. And it was before Wolverine. This version of both characters is my favorite.
Lastly, I have a couple of original color pieces on eBay right now. Check them out
I remember being initially dismayed at Lightning Lass' transformation into Light Lass but later really appreciated the change. And Timberwolf was always one of my favorites. The Candy Cane pinup is awesome as usual and whets my appetite for more of the series! Speaking of Candy Cane, did anyone ever see the movie about the two guys playing on a CB radio, one of which pretended to be a girl "handled" Candy Cane? The ruse led to a murder and then all hack broke loose. Terrible movie, but I really liked it for some reason... lol. I believe it was called Joy Ride. If you have a couple of hours to kill, you could waste it in worse ways.
Candy Cane girl is great! Gene, how many of these will be in the series?
Having not followed the Legion over the years (apparently, I missed out here), I did not know there were so many different couples! Is this the "Legion of Hooking up"??? :-)
Hey Royce, in reality the Legion rule about no duplicate powers was pretty silly. Having a few Mon-Els, Lightning Lasses, and Brainics seem to be a smart way to go, for example. I haven't seen the movie you mention. I will have watch for it on TV. Thanks!
Thanks Gary. There will be six total. As far as the Legion goes, this is what happens when you have no rule about relationships in the workplace. And they all live together. Not every character had a partner though, which got tricky at the end of this series of paintings.
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