This Cutie has gotten herself tangled up in the lights. The background will be a bare tree. This piece will give the taggers a chance to animate the lights so it should be a popular piece. I hope. This was done on 11" x 17" copy paper.
Today's Legion couple is Supergirl (Kara Zor-El/Linda Danvers) and Brainiac 5 (Querl Dox). I always think of their relationship as a crush more than anything else. Most of the relationship was during the Adventure Comics run of the Legion and I can't even recall them kissing. Supergirl did join the Legion for a while during the Levitz/Giffen run and that was fun. The creepiest story though was when Brainy, missing Kara so much, made a Supergirl android while sleepwalking and planned to run away with it, believing it was the real Supergirl. Ugh! Explains a lot about his mental instability that came up later, doesn't it? :)

I had forgotten about the Supergirl "doll" storyline.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall...
The smarter they are...
"Contest to finish the quote!"
"The harder they fail"?
That is a twelfth level answer if ever I read one.
Any other entries for poor ol' Braniac 5's lapse?
Hey, a Christmas cutie rough out and Palm trees sound like a productive day!
I certainly don't have the Legion history you and Royce have, but if Superman/boy and Supergirl were in the Legion, were Batman and Wonder Woman also in the Legion at one time???
Hey, I am up in New York City and finding it a treat to check out your art while stuck in the hotel!!!
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