So the plan today was to go to Lido Key with our friends. Lido Key is about 1.5 hours south of us. But my Xterra had other plans for us. Just before leaving a belt started squealing and after a quick trip to the dealer, it was confirmed that some work was needed. We packed our friends in our other car and sent them on their way for sun and fun while we waited in the customer lounge for the vehicle to be fixed. Just under 3 hours (45 minutes to assess the problem and 2 hours to fix it) we were out of there. Too drained from sitting there and too late to head down to catch up with our friends, we resigned ourselves to just head home. And then it rained and rained.

Better luck tomorrow I hope.
"The Best Laid Plans Of Mice and Gene..."
Sorry you missed sunning and funning with your friends, but I dig the Tula! Can't wait to see the finished piece!
Sorry to hear about the car, but Tula is looking great!
I think Tula wanted the attention (and the Xterra). Hey, the weekend is coming up, maybe you can make a quick trip then!
Sorry to hear about your vehicle problems, Gene. Like computers, I love 'em when they work.
At least your friends didn't miss out and you were able to get some work done.
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