Two more for today. I had planned on three but I had to do a rough sketch for a potential painted commission that I didn't get to yesterday. Plus other work crept in and paperwork demanded attention. So for today, first up we have Iron Man. This is the first time I have ever drawn Iron Man. I think. :)

Next up, a classic Captain America. Cap is one of those characters you have to do just right. I would say that Batman is like that too. With Cap, you have to have the right build on him. Not too big but more dynamic than normal folks. Or maybe it's just me. Certain characters can intimidate me when I have to draw them. Batman can do that and so can Captain America.

Both pieces were done with ink on 11" x 17" Canson Bristol Board. Tomorrow we will have a redo of one of the pieces shown here in the last couple of days. And we will switch over the the DC side of comics for a couple of Golden Age JSAers.
The first time you have done Iron Man???? We are going to have to commission you to do more! Cap is pretty darn good also!
Thanks for sharing the multiple postings over these past few days!
I really like the Cap, Gene!!
Shell Head isn't my favorite character, but after the movie and of curse, this drawing...I might be persuaded to reconsder.
Gary - Yeah, I believe it is, thanks. What is really amazing with this batch of commissions is there was only one female character in the batch. BTW, I couldn't sleep last night so I sketched. And I have roughed out a killer Josie and the Pussycats rocking on stage. :)
Thanks Royce. BTW, is Budd attending the San Diego Comic Con?
Holy wow! Both turned out superb!
Thanks Lan!
No Gene, he isn't unfortunately. I think he will be in Baltimore though in October.
Another great batch....and that is an awesome looking Cap! So a Batman/Cap team up is next right :)
Gee Brian, throw in Doctor Doom and we have the perfect storm. :) Thanks!
Hard to believe that you've never drawin Iron Man before. Well, there's no doubt that you can, and do him well.
Good job on Cap as well. Love the little touches on each around your sig!
hey Gene. Finally visited the site. Well i would have before but the home computer died and this is the first free time i've had since then.
Really nice cap and iron man.
Welcome Patrick! I hope you enjoy your stay!
Hey Gene! I like all of the recent commissions you've posted. I love the Iron Man! Of course, as it turns out it's going to be mine. A very kind friend of mine actually commissioned it for me! Thanks for a great looking piece!
Now I've got to get one for myself...
Hi Paul, Welcome to my blog. I'm glad you like the Iron Man piece. I was pretty happy with it too. I hope you continue to drop by. :)
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