Above is the completed commission for Kevin. Kevin came up with the dialog for Phantom Lady and I set the type and balloon, printed it, cut it out and used spray adhesive to stick it on a acetate overlay. For the record, I did my research and found an example of the 1953 Honeywell thermostat that is on the wall behind her. Thanks again to Kevin who always comes up with fun commissions for me to do. Always a pleasure!
This was done using Golden Fluid Acrylics on 11" x 17" Cresent Watercolor Board.
That turned out great, Gene!
Perv ;)
That turned out great, man. Wish I had the funds for a piece like that.
This turned out great Gene. Nice humor in the piece.
Ha....or should I say BRRRRRR :)
Great commish and I love the humorous take you guys went with.
I agree with Brian...great humor and the painting is superb. I like that you found a reference for an old 50'ish thermostat. The dial may say 40, but if you ask me..it sure looks HOT in that room.
Where the heck do you find a reference to a 1950's Honeywell thermostat? Such details!
Very well done Gene!
Thanks guys! The thermostat turned up while Googling "1950s Thermostat" Very extensive research. ;-)
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