Another batch of inked commissions for today. I hope no one is getting tired of these because we still have a total of 4 more to go. :)
First up, Deadpool. Not a character I am real familiar with but had a blast (no pun intended) doing the piece.

Next up, Frankie Ray as Nova, herald of Galactus. Yup, I did read the story way back when of Frankie leaving Earth to be the herald of the consumer of worlds. That doesn't sound right...kinda like Galactus goes shopping for worlds at the local WalMart.

And last but not least, The Jack of Hearts. Along with the other two here today, a first time request. Very detailed costume that seems to change with every reference I looked at. Seems like each artist just did a variation of the design. Still, this was another fun one to do.

More tomorrow folks!
Wow, someone is a Marvel fan!
The Frankie Ray- Galactus piece is great! Fond memories of the John Byrne run! Great job Gene!
All three of these are very detailed pieces Gene and look GREAT!! I especially like the Deadpool piece. The Nova piece isn't half bad either!! Looks like you are having fun with these. Looking forward to the next batch!!
Thanks Gary! Fun stuff here!
Thanks Royce! Yeah I am having fun! Tomorrow's batch should be a fun bunch as well. :)
I've heard more than one artist say that Jack of Hearts was their least favorite character to draw because of that detailed costume. You did a fine job on all of 'em, but I think Deadpool is my fav.
Craig - Yeah, the details would be a pain if I had to do the costume panel after panel. A one-shot isn't bad. Maybe I should charge by the complexity of the costume. ;)
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