I spent the morning inking a page of Perils on Planet X #2. I can't wait to see this page in color. I am down to 7 pages to ink plus two pages we added to the middle of the story that still has to be drawn and inked. When I get the script for the third and last issue I will be digging into that as well.
What thought process/considerations come up when you have to go back and insert pages in the middle of the story? Perhaps it is seemless given that you recently did the other pages?
I like the air cruiser ships!
Gene, is this the entire page? It may be my eyes but the proportions look too "square" for a comic page unless an advertisement or something uses part of the page like they did in many Silver-Age DC books. I always liked that page layout as I viewed it as getting 2/3 of a page as opposed to a whole page of ads. Many times, the ad used was an In-House ad for another book, which were pretty cool to my young eye at the time! Cool page by the way! Great sense of urgency in the chase!
Gary - There was a jump from one scene to the next and it was expanded upon by adding a bridging scene. It works even better. We had to add two pages to the book content. They could have been house ads but we opted for more story. :)
Royce - Nope, not the entire page. I have to hold something back. :) There are two more panels on the bottom. I remember those house ads in the DC books. I used to love looking at all the books and wondering what they were about based solely on the cover. No Previews back then boys and girls. In those ads you would see books that you may never see on the spinner rack at 7-11. Thanks!
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