Yesterdays post was a drawing done in graphite and rubbed with my fingers to get some nice gray tone effects. Highlights were picked out with a kneaded erasure. I was asked by Gary if the same effect could be done with color pencils. I haven't tried before so the idea got my interest. So thanks to Gary, here ya go. Now for the details. This was difficult to do. Most of my color pencils were too hard and did not smear. I switched to Primacolor Soft Lead pencils and I did get it to blend but I did have to use a paper towel. The pencils are too waxy and don't break down the same as graphite. I also had to use a piece of bristol board as opposed to my sketchbook in order to have more texture on the paper. Lifting out color was more difficult as well. The erasure would take up either too little or too much. There wasn't much in between. I think using pastels would be the medium to do this sort of effect in color. Still, I like trying new approaches to creating art and it was a good experience. Thanks for the suggestion Gary!
Sounds like the experiment at least answered some of the questions and of course it seems you had a "devil" of a good time in the process! :)
Royce: I agree, I did and thanks!
Starlady: Thank you very much! :)
I like it!
It is an amazing testament of your skills that you were able to produce such a great piece of artwork in spite of the process difficulties. Perhaps someone will invent a color pencil that is not wax based that can more readily lend itself to this type of process.
Great job on the piece and great learnings!
Thanks Craig.
Gary: There might be other pencils out there that will do this better. I have three different types on hand. I do think that a hard pastel pencil mixed with a hard color pencil lead for details would work nicely. I will have to try that sometime and post the results. Thanks again!
HOT! (sorry couldnt help myself)
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