The initial sketch was the beginning. The sketch was then projected on to a piece of Stathmore Water Color board using an opaque projector. It was enlarged during this process as well. I traced my line art on to the new board using a 2H pencil. One completed I then started rendering the light and shadows as well as reinforcing the lines. The idea of this underdrawing is to make the pencil values do the heavy lifting when I paint. In the finished painting the pencils will still be visible. There is more to do in this stage but I thought this is a good example to show parts that are rendered versus parts that are not. To be continued.
Alright, class is in session!
I am more from the science background than art. So, when you use the term "rendering", what does this mean to you as an artist? Is this a more technial term for drawing?
I am so excited! I can't wait to see the next steps. I would buy her as is right now Gene lol. But I figure she can only look better from here. :D
I agree with Starlady. I am waiting with bated breath! I thoroughly enjoy the looks you give to the process you go through to produce all the different artwork you share with us.
Appreciate the look behind the curtain.
Very cool! Thanks for posting the various steps to this piece (hmm) of art. Man I need a trip to the beach.......
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