Today I decided to revisit the island girl theme for my next batch of art for CILM. A little warm up sketch done this morning after 2 hours of sleep. The tiki needs a little help but I think the girl is working out pretty good. I penciled a second page for POPX last night with the help of a little insomnia. It's amazing how productive one can be if they don't sleep. Of course there is always a chance of errors because your mind isn't as sharp as it would be with a good nights sleep. Of course there is always a chance of errors because your mind isn't as sharp as it would be with a good nights sleep. ;)
The only thing wrong with the Tiki is that he is looking straight up. He should be looking slightly more to our left (his right). :)
Hey Gene,
It's the weekend, get some sleep!
How many illustrations are you planning for this particular series?
Royce - Royce, Royce, Royce. What am I gonna do with you? :)
Gary - Sleep? Nah, who has time for that? There will be a minimum of six, maximum of twelve. I might mix it up and have six island girls and a variety of six others.
Thanks for the comments, guys!
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