I was given the okay to post this one. This is Pixie, from the X-Men books and she was commissioned by Bill. This is ink on 11" x 17" Strathmore bristol board. Thanks again Bill!

Also, after today, my commission list for inked pin-ups is clear and open. I have three paintings I will be doing so I will not be taking any painted pieces until those are done. But if anyone is interested in an inked commission, shoot me an email at gene_gonzales(at)mac(dot)com.
This is Post #703
Ah, Pixie, my favorite "newer" X-Men character (there are way too many, by Pixie is a keeper!). I like how you have caputured her teen age exhuburance, very much in character!
I notice that the blog count is continuing at the bottom of the posts. Does the blog do that automatically, or are you inputting the count?
Thanks Gary. I've never read anything with Pixie in it but I like the look of the character. I have drawn her once before but was supplied with Greg Land artwork as the guide. I had no idea she wasn't a full grown curvaceous woman until afterword.
The dashboard for my blog gives me a count and I just type it in. I may drop it or more than likely forget about adding it at some point. I only started putting it on there because we were reaching the milestone of 700. It might go away until we get near 800. :)
Gene, terrific job on this piece! Like Gary, I'm not thrilled with a lot of the newer X-Men, but Pixie's the best of the bunch in my opinion, too. And you captured the essence of the character in fine fashion! :)
Thanks Carlos! She does seem like a fun character.
I always liked the way Mike Wieringo numbered his blog, so I hope that you keep it Gene!
I know absolutely nothing about Pixie, but I like the pic!! I fell like I haven't been on the blog very much of late......man I have been busy with school this year, much more than usual! Budget cuts have increased our workload probably like most folks on the blog. Glad to know your inked sketchlist is available. I will be in touch!
Royce - I had remembered Mike doing that on his blog and thought it was cool. I am using whatever number Blogger says I am at. I believe it adds each time I post something. So if there where two posts in one day, it counts it as two. Though it doesn't match the numbering next to the month. It's confusing, but I am sticking with it. I figure it I am mistaken with the math, you will catch it.
You have been missed around here but it's completely understandable. Hang in there and count the weeks until Christmas break!
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