This is pretty cool! I couldn't share any of this until now...
Back in July of 2008, I was approached via email by Chris Cihon about doing some commercial artwork for his company. I'm not exactly sure how Chris found me, but needless to say when he wanted to commission an island girl and a tiki, I was on board. I gave him a couple of sketches to look at and the one below was selected for the final image. And here is the really cool thing...the image is engraved on a vintage-inspired 1000m-rated diver's watch known as the "BaliHa'i"!!!

Below is a shot of the engraving. And it came out great! I'm really proud to have been part of this. Chris has been great to work with and fun. He just commissioned me to provide a background and color to the entire image because they have been getting requests for T-Shirts and other items feature the island girl and her friend.
To see more pictures of the watch, learn more about purchasing one for yourself and see the great bio page about me that they added, go to The BaliHa'i Project. Tell Chris you learned about it here. :)
One last thing...Hey Chris, I know you visit this blog from time to time and even though you are probably waaaaaay too busy since yesterday to see this, I just want to say congratulations to you and your lovely wife on the birth of your daughter. Great times are ahead for all of you. :)
Wow - thanks for the kind words and wishes, Gene! :) Dad's still a bit overwhelmed here, but took a minute to swing by & saw this great write-up. Can't think of anyone better to do the BaliHa'i girl - she turned out great!
Cool gig, Gene. And boy, did you knock that one out of the park. I hope you get a watch out of the deal!
Very cool!
Wow Gene! This is Great News!!
Looks like you really took your TIME with this Island girl and really DOVE head-first into the project. I can't begin to FATHOM how proud you and your family must be! We folks on the blog really must WATCH for more of this kind of thing in the future. I mean, WATER the chances for more of this kind of thing going forward? I hope that the divers DEEPLY connect with this product and enjoy using it. Sounds like the watch is just the beginning of a whole WAVE of products from BaliHa'i. It would seem to me that the TIDE is coming in and the market is ripe to be FLOODED with your art gracing more fine items of merchandise. Have a MARITIME celebrating the good news.
SEA you later!
Royce (sorry) :)
Congratulations! This is a big accomplishment for you!
Two more posts to go....
Congrats, Gene!
Thanks Guys.
And kudos to Royce for all the effort he put into his comment. Next time he will do a haiku. :)
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